Rorke Denver Navy SEAL Knife

by Knife Expert on August 25, 2014

I recently read the fantastic book Damn Few: Making the Modern SEAL Warrior by Rorke Denver.

The book in itself is a fascinating read about the training and mentality of some of the most elite warriors on the planet.

Though the section about knives is short, and more of a tactical nature, there was some interesting take aways:


“A Folding knife is a broken knife.  Great in your pocket at home, not so great in battle”


“For most SEALs the big Rambo knife is mostly a myth”


In his own words, Rorke had two different knives he would choose from to carry on missions.

SOG Desert Dagger w/ 6″ blade

SOG Desert Dagger_01

SOG Pentagon Knife w/ 5″ blade

So if you are in the market for a fixed blade tactical knife, you sure couldn’t go wrong with either of the choices above.  Personally endorsed by a Navy SEAL

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