kabar marine fighting knife

KA-bar USMC Fighting Knife

by Knife Expert on September 24, 2014

The Original KA-bar – The Fighting Knife of the USMC This knife was was made popular by the United States Marine Corp as piece of standard equipment for the soldiers who carried them. The KA-bar USMC Fighting Knife is a solid, well built knife that can take a great deal of abuse and still remain […]

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What are Bowie Knives ā€“ The Answer Revealed!

by Knife Expert on April 29, 2013

For all the knife experts out there, this question should be a no-brainer but for all the budding enthusiasts and first-timers, Iā€™m sure this question would have popped up in their minds by now. For this you need to be aware of the person, Jim Bowie, who became legendary and well-known for his knife fighting […]

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